Having an impressive LinkedIn profile can help you get remarkable job opportunities. These seven tweaks will move your LinkedIn profile from filler to killer.
Customize your profile with unique graphics
Graphics on your LinkedIn pages might not seem to be important, but such additional features make your profile unique and therefore help in making your content popular among top performers in the corporate world.
Your profile is more likely to attract potential employers if the graphics have appealing colors than if you use dull, uncoordinated text for the content.
Try to pick only the very best of your photos as the profile picture. You can always add other photos into your profile to catch the attention of people accessing your profile information for the first time.
Know your audience
It is important to know your target audience before you begin writing your LinkedIn profile. You can ask yourself these questions:
- Are you targeting big companies with lucrative job offers or just any other possible employer?
- Do you know what type of content will appeal to your audience?
Once you get satisfactory answers to these questions, then you can start planning the other useful features of your profile. Knowing your audience will also help you determine an engaging topic for your profile.
Write an engaging introduction
Understanding the topics of interest that can catch the attention of potential employers and coming up with an engaging introduction paragraph for your audience can help you keep them glued on your LinkedIn profile.
You can use rhetorical questions, a joke, or grab the reader’s attention with captivating statistics and facts about your qualifications.
The introductory section should be able to sell the other contents of your profile to the reader.
In most cases, the introduction should be a paragraph or two of your latest achievements professionally.
Organize your profile content
Organizing your profile content is one of the fundamental tips for writing a top-notch LinkedIn profile. To do this, you can use:
- Numbered lists
- Bullet points
- Clear photos
- Graphs and Statistics
- Short paragraphs
How you organize your ideas will determine if online users will take their time to read the content. It is advisable to use headers and numbered list for easy scanning by hasty readers.
You can use a LinkedIn template to customize the theme so as to make your audience feel at home as they access your profile or you can upload unique high-quality photos and video programs for visual appeal.
The profile should not only be attractive to your target audience, but also to other internet users who might come across it by chance.
Ensure that your profile is mobile-friendly
Do not upload oversize photos and write information that is long and boring that a potential employer using a phone can easily ignore.
Technology is getting smaller each day. Internet features that people are accessing through computer desktops and laptop devices are now available on small-screen mobile phones.
Unfortunately, most people develop LinkedIn content features that are not accessible via mobile phones. This limits the audience that it reaches and that means missed opportunities.
With a mobile-friendly profile, you will expand your reach to millions of mobile phone internet users worldwide.
Publish your profile content at the right time
Timing the publishing moment for the content is very important. Get your profile content for viewing to the right people at the right time.
Do not just publish your post for the sake of publishing. For example, if you are looking for a potential career placement as a volunteer for peacekeeping missions, you should specify the exact area that you can work with ease and wait for a perfect opportunity before publishing your profile on LinkedIn.
Remember that writing and publishing your LinkedIn profile is just the beginning of reaching out to the ever-expanding number of internet users. Promoting your profile through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp can help you reach more people and get other perspectives on your content.
Insert a compelling call-to-action
A LinkedIn profile will not be complete if there is no call-to-action inserted at a strategic position. Call to action inserts will enable your readers to post their responses, review your social media pages or even call or email you instantly.
You can also direct the potential employers to subscribe to your official website where they can get more information about your career development.
Putting a compelling call to action on your LinkedIn profile is a big step towards landing that lucrative job offer you have always dreamed of.
Want more LinkedIn profile tips and strategies?
Now you know how to make your profile stand out, but there’s much more to LinkedIn that you can take advantage of.
Bookmark’s LinkedIn e-Learning course teaches you to build and manage your connections, publish engaging content, and use LinkedIn’s Mail and Groups features to strengthen your profile and widen your sphere of influence.
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Originally published at www.bookmark.com on December 6, 2016.